Get to know us
Get to know us
Doxakey represents first-class engineering and information services in the field of industrial automation. We provide and support solutions mainly in the automotive robotics industry. We are distinguished by our many years of experience in working with clients with extremely high standards and expectations regarding professionalism, quality, compliance with deadlines, and professional relationships in the team.We are a strong, reliable partner for clients and an attractive employer. That is why some of the largest global brands place their trust in us. We employ more than 100 people, and have so far participated in more than 150 different global projects throughout the world. If you want to be part of a trustworthy and professional team, and develop your career in collaboration with internationally recognised companies abroad, we invite you to submit an application for open positions.
Why us?
Why us?
At Doxakey, you have the opportunity to learn about the most advanced information technology. These exceptional engineering and information skills of our employees are what our clients appreciate most, resulting in long-term co-operation with well-known brands such as Tesla, BMW, Siemens, Ikea, Audi, Daimler and many others. At the same time, long-term co-operation enables continuous professional and personal development for our employees. Doxakey employees appreciate our concern for their growth and development, and rate us as a trustworthy employer. We keep the promises we make. We ensure a constant flow of information, acquiring the necessary knowledge and excellent support in working on demanding projects. Our commitments and advantages:
Long-term projects abroad Expertise and know-how from the most advanced industries Career development Additional professional training and mentorship Regular payments Constant and reliable support
Career with us
We know that the key to company success is professional growth and employee satisfaction, which are some of our highest priorities. As part of our team, you will be able to work with internationally renowned companies to develop your skills in various industries in the following specialised areas:
PLC programming and robotics for process automation of various manufacturers, with emphasis on the automotive industry Industrial network and drive configuration Industrial electricity Industrial mechanisation It is our responsibility to create high-quality working conditions, and it is up to you to take advantage of these conditions in the many career opportunities provided in our company.
Every employee is given an opportunity to:
Gain the most advanced expertise and know-how in the field of new technologies and automated work processes Grow within the framework of an established internal career path system Take advantage of internal professional training and mentorship programme In addition to career growth, mutual trust and cooperation are also crucial. We understand that our employees are the best ambassadors for our company.




To employment in 5 steps
Find an opportunity in the Doxakey Group.We work in the field of automation of industrial business processes and training of personnel for future industrial professions. Do you want to help create something exceptional and innovative, and develop your career by working on international projects abroad?Then we invite you to send your application.
PLC Programmer

1. Application
Fill out the job application form on the website. Attach your CV to the application.

2. Questionnaire
When you apply, you will receive a questionnaire by e-mail, which you can fill out and send back to us.

3. Phone interview
You can expect our call a few days after you submit the questionnaire, during which we will get to know one another and arrange further steps.

4.Personal interview – expert
We will check your competencies and experience, and agree on the form and conditions of co-operation.

5. Employment
Based on the final co-operation agreement, you can expect employment in a few days.
Do zaposlitve v 5 korakih
Poiščite priložnost v Doxakey Group.Ukvarjamo se z avtomatizacijo industrijskih poslovnih procesov ter izobraževanjem kadrov za industrijske poklice prihodnosti. Si želite soustvarjati nekaj izjemnega in inovativnega ter razvijati svojo kariero z delom na mednarodnih projektih v tujini?Potem vas vabimo, da se prijavite.
ROK ZA PRIJAVO: 30.1.2021

1. Prijava
Na spletni strani izpolnite obrazec za prijavo na delovno mesto. Ob prijavi posredujte svoj življenjepis.

2. Vprašalnik
Ob prijavi boste po e-mailu prejeli vprašalnik, ki ga izpolnite in pošljite.

3. Telefonski pogovor - splošni
V nekaj dneh po oddanem vprašalniku lahko pričakujete naš klic, ki je namenjen temu, da se spoznamo in dogovorimo za nadaljnje korake.

4. Osebni razgovor - strokovni
Preverili bomo vaše kompetence in izkušnje ter se dogovorili za obliko in pogoje sodelovanja.

5. Zaposlitev
Na podlagi končnega dogovora o sodelovanju lahko zaposlitev pričakujete v nekaj dneh.